◆Shimohonmachi PrecinctーOgoshi Yama
Shimohonmachi, with its ceremonially decorated horse(Umanoto), joined the festival procession in 1635 as did Uoyacho Precinct. They are the oldest participants of this procession. A distinguishingfeature of this yama is the absence of a bonten on its roof.The bonten is a shinto ritual staff with streamers of white ceremonialpaper attached. This yama features elaborate tapestry and carvings.The karakuri is hanare karakuri type. A puppet makes an acrobaticswing by itself. Once this yama offers its performance atthe Haritsuna Shrine, the festival is said to be officialeven if scheduled events to follow are cancelled by inclement weather.
◆Ogoshi Karakuri
A small karako doll is standing on the shoulder of a larger one. They move toa bar. The smaller karako grabs the bar and makes two giant acrobatic swings,before the two return to their original positions.The highlight of this karakuri is the moving of the two karako in tandem aswell as their separation. This movement typifies hanare karakuri.