◆Sotomachi PrecinctーBaishogi Yama
This yama features elaborate tapestry and decorations. Its karakuriwas made in 1827 by the master karakuri maker, the third Tamayashoubeiand maintained by successive generations. This yama takes its namecomes from its karakuri. This yama is the last in the procession.Order is not based on the order each yama was built, but on the orderof their registration.
◆Baishogi Karakuri
As traditional music plays, two karako bow in front of a shrine. The biggerkarako plays beside a plum tree, the smaller karako climbs up on a table andthen to a branch of the plum tree. On the branch, it does a handstand.While doing so it beats a drum and turns its head from side to side.The highlight of this karakuri is the handstand of the karako.